Yacon Leaf Tea

Yacon leaf tea

20 g bag


In stock

shipping $5.00 per order, regardless of quantity


Yacon is a Peruvian root vegetable that is loaded with nutrition. The root is sweet, but not the leaves, so the tea made from the leaves has a mild herbal flavor. However, a much of the powerful nutritional benefit of the root is also available in the leaves. We grow yacon organically, freeze dry the leaves to preserve the nutrients, and crush them into a “tea” which is good for making infusions just like you would with loose tea leaves. There’s no caffeine, so you can enjoy a cup any time of day.

Yacon tea is already popular in parts of South America and Asia, but it is just becoming known in the U.S. While it’s hard to find yacon products here, it’s not hard to find information about it. Just be aware, though, that we cannot endorse any unsubstantiated health claims about yacon tea. And it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor when adding a new food like yacon leaf tea to your diet.

Additional information

Weight 3.3 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 in


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This product was produced at a private residence that is exempt from state licensing and inspection. This product may contain allergens. 

Note: We can only ship to Tennessee addresses. Any order shipping outside of Tennessee will have to be cancelled, as much as we hate to do it.