When we steam distill the essential oil of Goldenrod, the water-soluble “essence” (fragrance and other volatile components) remains in the steam. When the steam is condensed with these compounds in it, the result is this hydrosol. One run through the distillation process produces a lot more hydrosol than oil, so of course the hydrosol is cheaper, though it can still be suite useful.
Some people may hear “goldenrod” and think “hay fever.” But in most cases this is a misattribution. The allergic reaction to airborne pollen that occurs when goldenrod blooms is almost always actually caused by pollen from the ragweed flower, which blooms at the same time. Goldenrod’s pollen is heavy and sticky and generally not airborne.
Of course, if an allergist has confirmed that you do indeed have a (rare) allergy to goldenrod, then you should give this one a pass – maybe try one of our other hydrosols.
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