Healthy Dog Treats

Healthy, one-ingredient dog treats. Dehydrated apple or dehydrated sweet potato.



shipping $5.00 per order, regardless of quantity


Our healthy dog treats each consist of only one ingredient. Pure, natural fruit or vegetable bites made by dehydrating to a leathery consistency that is attractively chewable. Available in either apple or sweet potato.

These should be given as treats, as they do not comprise a full or balanced meal. Be aware that sweet potatoes are not recommended for Bichon Frise, Lhasa Apso, Min. Schnauzer, Shih Tzu, Yorkshire Terrier (oxalate sensitivity) or diabetic dogs (high glycemic index).


Additional information

Weight 4.7 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 in

apple, sweet potato


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This product was produced at a private residence that is exempt from state licensing and inspection. This product may contain allergens. 

Note: We can only ship to Tennessee addresses. Any order shipping outside of Tennessee will have to be cancelled, as much as we hate to do it.