Tomato Boogers(TM) dried cherry tomatoes

Tomato Boogers(TM) dried cherry tomatoes.



shipping $5.00 per order, regardless of quantity


Tomato Boogers(TM) is the name we chose for our delicious tomato-flavored nose-nuggets. Um, nope, not that. They’re actually dehydrated cherry tomatoes, very much like sun dried tomatoes. They’ve never been anywhere near anyone’s nose. I swear.

These guys are better than plain old sun dried tomatoes, though, partly because they have no sulfur dioxide, and they’re not exposed to solar radiation in the drying process, which likely preserves more of the original nutrients in the tomatoes. But also because they’re made from Principe Borghese cherry tomatoes, which are exceptionally tasty in the dried form.

Additional information

Weight 4.7 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 in


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This product was produced at a private residence that is exempt from state licensing and inspection. This product may contain allergens. 

Note: We can only ship to Tennessee addresses. Any order shipping outside of Tennessee will have to be cancelled, as much as we hate to do it.