a boutique for the

Rare and Remarkable

freeze-dried candyFreeze-drying preserves delicate superfoods without heat, which destroys nutrients (such as in dehydrated foods). Apply that same process to candies, and they puff up and go from soft and chewy to light and crunchy and AMAZING. If you haven’t experienced the magic, you owe it to yourself to discover what the fuss is all about. And whether it’s candy or fruit or vegetable chips, freeze-drying intensifies the flavor! We also are developing a line of delicious vegan camping meals that are light-weight and are easily converted to a home-cooked meal with just hot water. Check out our assortment of freeze-dried candy, fruit, vegan camping meals, and other foods here.

yacon tubers

Yacon is a Peruvian root vegetable that looks like a potato but is sweet and crunchy like an apple. Among many potential benefits, yacon is highly prized because of the low calorie content and low glycemic index of the fructooligosaccharides that make it sweet. Yacon syrup is a highly prized sweetener with a flavor similar to molasses. And powdered yacon can be added to smoothies, sauces, etc. We also offer freeze-dried yacon “chips” and tea made from yacon leaves, which also have great nutritional benefits. Popular in South America and Asia, Yacon is still rare in the U.S. See our whole selection of sustainably-grown yacon products here.

herbal teas

Our herbal teas are grown or foraged locally and lovingly handcrafted to provide rich and unique benefits in a convenient and enjoyable form. We like to focus on the less-well-known teas that nevertheless offer highly-desirable vitamins, minerals, and other valuable components. In many cases, we offer superfoods in both tea and powder form. The teas are generally packaged as loose teas, but are also available in tea bags as a special order. Click here to see our offerings.

superfood powders

It is amazing how much nutritional value is ignored in the leaves or stalks of many vegetable plants or even wild plants that some consider weeds. To preserve that nutrition for use year-round, we have dried or freeze-dried the plants and converted them into powders that can be easily added to smoothies or soups or stews, etc. for a big nutritional boost. We focus on sustainably-sourced, mild-tasting plants so there’s no flavor degradation for your smoothies, soups, etc. Check out what we have in stock.

candy sushi

Here’s where you can find rare and remarkable products that don’t fit into the categories above. Our candy sushi is here!  We also offer delicious red grape raisins with exceptional nutrition. They’re called Amaizins(TM). Or, if you’d like some dried cherry tomatoes, check out our Tomato Boogers(TM)! And what about your dog? Dogs can also find joy here, with our health dog treats made of apples or sweet potatoes. Click here to see our offerings.